Finally realize your dream of your own wellness oasis? The attic conversion offers endless possibilities for luxurious bathroom design.
Start the morning with a daylight shower and a portion of fresh air? Sitting comfortably and relaxed in a bathtub or whirlpool and enjoying an unobstructed view of the surroundings?
No problem with Sunshine’s functional glass architecture: the “Open Air” sliding roof window consists of up to three vertically adjustable sashes powered by an electric motor. With these, window sizes of up to 4 x 12 metres can be realised. And should rain clouds suddenly fall, don’t worry: the self-cleaning panorama front closes automatically thanks to automatic control.
The times when baths merely functioned as wet cells are long gone: Never before have the possibilities for bathroom design been as great as they are today: comfortable and luxuriously designed bathrooms are booming and replacing the spa visit for many. Above all, an attic conversion offers endless possibilities for the realisation of the dream bathroom.
To be a little closer to heaven and start the morning with a daylight shower and a portion of fresh air or to enjoy the unhindered view of the surroundings in the evening comfortably and relaxed in a bathtub or whirlpool? This is made possible by Sunshine’s functional glass architecture.
OpenAir sliding roof windows
The “OpenAir” sliding roof window consists of up to three vertically movable wings, which are moved by an electric motor. With these, window sizes of up to 4 x 12 metres can be realised.
By the way, endless cleaning actions are a thing of the past – self-cleaning functional glasses always ensure an unclouded view.
All too great summer heat can be counteracted with ingenious external shading.
And if rain clouds brew or there is a threat of heavy rain, the Panorama front closes automatically thanks to automatic control.
These “glass gates to heaven” not only cut a fine figure in bathrooms: they also provide an irresistible view and natural brightness in living rooms, bedrooms, workrooms and children’s rooms.
Through the use of “Open Air” sliding roof windows, every attic floor can be upgraded in the most beautiful way – fresh air kick included! Whether private or commercial, it is not easier to experience the pleasure of “openness”. Very good thermal insulation, easy handling and the extensive equipment with external awning, sun protection and “active glass” underline the feel-good ambience under the roof.
No one has to fear a construction site that lasts for days: A simple and quick assembly of the windows is guaranteed within one day.